To track your order please enter your order number + emailaddress (used during the checkout) in the box below and press the "Track" button.

Help with Order Tracking

Your order number (Order ID) was shown to you during the checkout and you were supposed to use it as payment reference for the bank transfer. If you cannot find it, please contact us per Email and we will help you. 🙂

It means that you have entered a wrong order number, a wrong email address or a combination of both. Please verify that you have used the correct order number and email. You need to use the same email address that you have indicated at the checkout.

On hold: The payment of your order has not been confirmed yet.

Processing: The payment of your order has been received and your order is being prepared for shipping.

Completed: Your order has been shipped and the trackingcode is available for you (it is displayed next to your order status).

Important: If you have paid via Bitcoin and your order status still shows –on hold- after 3 network confirmations, please contact us immediately. The payment system sometimes does not detect payments automatically (for example if you have sent an incorrect amount or if you paid with a delay and the bitcoin amount due has already changed by then). In that case we manually mark your payment as complete.

We recommend to track shipments via this website:

Envelope shipments are usually also possible to be tracked on the website of the national post of your country (once arrived in the destination country). See examples below:

This is normal with our shipping method. It takes several days or even a week until the first update happens. In most cases there are only 3 updates:

  1. Order created (usually remains for 3-7 working days)
  2. In transit (usually remains for 1-3 working days)
  3. Arrived in destination country (usually remains for 1-2 working days)
  4. Delivered

Please do not contact us before you have waited 10 working days. 90% of the orders arrive within this timeframe. If you have not received your order after 10 working days (after creation date of the trackingcode), please contact us. 10 working days = 14 calendar days. Thank you.

Unfortunately we cannot speed up the delivery time because we are not the delivery company. All we can do is wait and offer a free reship if the shipment gets lost (see RESHIP POLICY).

We would also like to kindly remind you that you have agreed to our order terms when placing the order. To be fair and transparent, we explain in detail on our website how long the delivery takes and what our reship policy is, so you know exactly what to expext before you order. We kindly ask you for the same fairness towards us. 🙏